Here's How platforms Multiplying Sales Using Web Push Notifications

October 17, 2024
Minutes Read
Ivy Ara
Ivy Ara
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Web Push Notification is one of the most under utilised marketing tools.

In the digital age, engaging users and maintaining their interest is paramount for the success of online platforms. Web push notifications represent a powerful tool in this arsenal, serving as a direct channel to convey timely updates and personalised messages to users across desktop and mobile devices. The significance of web push notifications extends beyond mere communication; they are instrumental in boosting user engagement, re-engaging dormant users, and enhancing click-through rates—a critical metric in digital marketing efforts. This evolving communication medium has reshaped the way businesses interact with their audience, making it essential for digital marketers and website owners to understand its mechanics and leverage its potential.

This article delves into the nuances of web push notifications, beginning with a foundational understanding of what web push notifications are and how they function. It proceeds to explore the manifold benefits these notifications bring to the table, such as improved user engagement and higher click-through rates. Following this, the discussion shifts to best practices for  implementing web push notifications effectively, ensuring that readers are equipped with the knowledge to harness this technology’s full potential. By navigating through these sections, readers will gain comprehensive insights into mastering web push notifications, setting the stage for enhanced user interaction and digital success.

Understanding Web Push Notifications

What Are Web Push Notifications?

Web push notifications are a form of communication that allows websites to engage users by sending messages directly to a user's web browser. These notifications can be sent at any time, regardless of whether the user is actively browsing the website, making them a powerful tool for real-time interaction [1][2]. Unlike traditional app notifications, web push notifications do not require the user to download an app, as they work across various browsers and devices including desktops, smartphones, and tablets [2][3]. This capability provides a seamless experience similar to native app notifications but through web browsers.

Key Components of Web Push Notifications

The effectiveness of web push notifications relies on several key components:

  1. User Permission: Before a notification can be sent, users must explicitly grant permission to receive notifications from a website. This opt-in process is crucial as it respects user privacy and enhances trust [2].
  2. Browser and Server Role: The user's browser plays a critical role as the intermediary that receives the push message from a web server. Major browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge support web push notifications, enabling broad reach [2]. The server, on the other hand, is responsible for sending the notification content, which is then relayed by a third-party service to the browser [2].
  3. Notification Elements:

Title: This is typically the name of the website or the headline of the notification. It should be concise and attention-grabbing to effectively capture the user's interest [4].

Message: The content of the notification should be direct and informative, providing the user with clear information or actions needed [3].

Icon and Images: Visual elements such as icons and images can significantly enhance the visibility and attractiveness of notifications. These elements should be recognizable and relevant to the brand [4][3].

Call to Action (CTA): Including a CTA can guide users towards desired actions, such as visiting a webpage or completing a transaction. Effective CTAs are crucial for converting notifications into user engagement [4].

  1. Delivery Mechanism: Notifications are delivered through a network request when the user's browser is open, ensuring that the message can reach the user even if they are not currently on the website. This mechanism works across both mobile and desktop platforms, providing flexibility in how content is delivered to users [5].

In summary, web push notifications serve as a dynamic and direct channel for engaging users by delivering timely, relevant, and personalised messages. By understanding and implementing these key components effectively, website owners can enhance user engagement and drive meaningful interactions.

How Web Push Notifications Work?

Subscription Process

The journey of web push notifications starts with the subscription process. Initially, a website must secure the user's permission to send notifications. This is typically achieved through a user action, such as clicking a "Yes" button on a prompt asking if the user would like to receive notifications. Once permission is granted, the website initiates the subscription process using JavaScript and the Push API. During this stage, a public authentication key is provided, which is crucial for the subsequent steps [1][6].

The browser then sends a network request to a push service, which handles the delivery of notifications. This service, controlled by the browser vendor, is crucial for maintaining the functionality and security of push notifications [1][6].

Sending Notifications

Once the user is subscribed, the server interacts with the push service to send notifications. The server does not send push messages directly to the client; instead, it makes a web push protocol request to the push service. This request includes the necessary information and commands for the push service to deliver the message to the user's device [1][6].

The process of sending notifications also involves handling encryption and setting appropriate headers so that the message can be correctly decrypted and displayed by the browser. This can be complex and often requires the use of specialised libraries to manage the encryption and formatting of messages [7].

Delivery and Display

The final stages of the web push notification process involve the delivery and display of the message. The push service holds the notification request in a queue until the client's browser is online or until the message expires. When the client browser is online, it receives the message, decrypts the data, and triggers a push event [1].

This event activates the service worker, a script that runs in the background of the browser. The service worker then executes the ServiceWorkerRegistration.showNotification() method, which displays the notification to the user. This ensures that the notification appears promptly and catches the user's attention, even if the website is not open in the browser at that time [1][6].

Through these steps, web push notifications provide a robust method for websites to maintain engagement with their users, delivering timely and relevant content directly to their devices.

Benefits of Web Push Notifications

Real-time Engagement

Web push notifications enable instant communication with a subscribed audience, ensuring that messages or updates are delivered as soon as they are initiated from the back-end [8]. This high real-time reach is crucial for maintaining user engagement and delivering timely content.

Increased Website Traffic

One significant advantage of web push notifications is their ability to boost website traffic. Especially effective when the message contains compelling content, these notifications can lead to a substantial increase in real-time traffic, particularly during time-sensitive promotions such as limited-time sales [8].

Higher Conversion Rates

Web push notifications are highly effective in driving conversions. They can notify users about important updates like price drops or product availability, which significantly increases the likelihood of converting browsers into buyers. For instance, notifications about a product being back in stock or a price reduction can prompt users to return to the site and complete a purchase, thus enhancing conversion rates [8].


Personalisation in web push notifications can significantly enhance user engagement and response rates. By tailoring messages based on user behavior, such as previous purchases or viewed items, notifications become more relevant and effective. Personalised push notifications have been shown to deliver a fourfold increase in open rates, proving their efficacy in engaging users in a meaningful way [9].

Opt-in Based

The opt-in nature of web push notifications respects user privacy and enhances trust, as users have explicit control over whether or not to receive these communications. This user permission is crucial for building a sustainable and effective communication strategy that keeps users engaged without feeling overwhelmed or spammed [10].

Best Practices for Implementing Web Push Notifications

Seek Permission

Gaining user consent is fundamental when implementing web push notifications. Websites must first secure permission through a user-initiated action, typically by clicking a button that triggers a prompt [11]. This prompt is not only a legal necessity for privacy compliance, akin to GDPR-consent banners, but also a technical requirement enforced by browsers [11][12]. It is recommended to use a double opt-in approach—first a custom prompt, then the browser's permission prompt—to ensure clarity and increase the chances of user acceptance [11]. For more controlled  scenarios, the Notification.requestPermission() method allows for requesting permission without immediate subscription, providing flexibility in user engagement strategies [11][13].

Segment Your Audience

Effective segmentation tailors notifications to user preferences, enhancing engagement and conversion rates. Publishers should categorise their audience based on demographics, behaviour, and location, using tags and metadata to maintain relevance [14][15][16][17]. This approach allows for personalised campaigns, significantly improving click-through rates and overall campaign effectiveness. For example, using behavioural data to target users who have shown interest in specific products or categories can lead to more precise and impactful communication [15][16][17].

Timing Matters

The timing of push notifications is critical for maximising user engagement. Notifications should be scheduled based on user time zones and peak engagement times, which can be determined through analytics [18][19][20]. For instance, scheduling notifications when users are most active on the platform can prevent disturbances and enhance the likelihood of positive engagement.

Additionally, understanding industry-specific peak times can further optimise delivery times, ensuring that messages are seen and acted upon during optimal windows [20].

Optimise for Mobile

Mobile optimisation is crucial for engaging users effectively. Notifications should include rich media elements like emojis, GIFs, and images to grab attention and encourage interaction [14]. Additionally, ensuring that messages are concise and visually appealing on mobile devices can significantly increase the likelihood of users engaging with the content.

A/B Testing

A/B testing is essential for refining notification strategies to achieve higher engagement and conversion rates. By testing different elements of notifications, such as timing, content, and design, publishers can identify the most effective approaches [21][22][23]. For instance, comparing two variants of a notification to see which one performs better can provide valuable insights that drive more targeted and successful campaigns. Implementing best practices like testing one variable at a time and ensuring a significant sample size are crucial for obtaining reliable data and making informed adjustments [23].


Throughout this extensive guide, we have navigated the complex yet fascinating world of web push notifications, uncovering their significant role in modern digital communication strategies. By laying out their foundations, detailing the process of their function, and exploring the vast benefits they offer such as enhanced user engagement, increased website traffic, and higher  conversion rates, we’ve illustrated the undeniable importance of mastering this tool for digital marketers and website owners alike. Emphasising best practices for implementation—from obtaining user permission to optimising delivery times—has provided a comprehensive roadmap for effectively harnessing the potential of web push notifications.

As we conclude, it's evident that the strategic use of web push notifications is not just a method of communication but a critical element in building lasting user relationships and driving business success. The implications of applying the outlined strategies are profound, offering a path to not only reach users more effectively but to also create more personalised and engaging digital experiences. As the landscape of digital interaction continues to evolve, the insights provided here serve as a guiding light for those looking to innovate and excel in the competitive digital marketplace. Further exploration and adaptation in line with emerging technologies and user preferences will undoubtedly enrich the potential of web push notifications even further.


  1. Are web push notifications beneficial?

Yes, web push notifications are beneficial as they offer a novel method to engage with your audience. They can enhance your email marketing strategy by increasing user engagement. Once users opt-in, they can receive notifications directly on their desktops, even if they are not actively visiting your website.

  1. How do push notifications differ from web notifications?

Push notifications are specifically for mobile devices, sometimes referred to as "mobile push." In contrast, web push notifications can be received on a variety of devices including desktops, mobile phones, and tablets. To receive push notifications, users must have the relevant app installed.

  1. What steps are involved in setting up web push notifications?

Setting up web push notifications involves a straightforward five-step process:

Choose a provider for web push notifications. Implement opt-in permissions on your site.

Gather user data.

Categorise users into segments. Dispatch web push notifications to users.

  1. What is the recommended character limit for push notifications?

For optimal readability, the title of a push notification on Android devices should be around 47 characters, and the message should not exceed 50 characters. Each button in the notification can display up to 13 characters before being truncated. However, if you use only one button, you can extend the text to 20 characters.



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